How Exactly Does Public Key Or Private Key Cryptography Works

Besides being called private key encryption, symmetric cryptography also uses symmetric keys.  Communication of information or communication of keys is made possible by using the same key by the sender and receiver of this type of cryptography.

Through the communication channel, the sender encrypts plain text and sends the ciphered text. Using the same key, the receiver on the other end decrypts the ciphered text. Once he has decrypted the text, he is able to recover the plain text.

There are only two people who have access to the private key during the communication. The same mathematical algorithm used to create public keys is used to create private keys. 

Public-key encryption is also known as cryptography with asymmetric keys.  As well as being referred to as this type of cryptography, public-key cryptography also goes by this name. Public and private keys are used here.

Decryption is performed using private keys and encryption is performed using public keys. Despite the fact that the public key is known to everyone, only the intended individual can decrypt the text due to the fact that both keys are unique.

WhatsApp uses asymmetric cryptography in its communication. Public keys of asymmetric key cryptography are available to the public, but can only be decrypted by the individual possessing the secret private key.

The security level of public keys is higher than that of private keys. There’s no sense in that, is there? The process is as follows.

It makes private key cryptography more vulnerable to hacking since both parties have access to the secret key. Furthermore, scaling becomes an issue with private key cryptography.

Public Keys Vs. Private Keys

A) Rapidity

When using a private key, you are much faster than if you use a public key 

B) Individuality

In When symmetric-key cryptography is used, the private key is also used to encrypt and decrypt messages during communication

Asymmetric key cryptography, on the other hand, uses two keys during encryption and decryption at the receiver’s end.

C) Confidential

In Senders and receivers are the only people who know a private key

An open key is open to all, however, whereas a private key is confidential

D) Type Of Cryptography

A When symmetric key cryptography is used, two parties share a single key for transmission 

There are two different keys used in a public key mechanism. Private keys are only available to the sender and receiver, while the public keys are visible to everyone. 

E) Aims

Security, reliability, and speed are checked by private key cryptography 

By contrast, public key testing looks at system sustainability over the long term 

Asymmetric and symmetric cryptography differ mainly in their use of keys by the sender and receiver, respectively. Asymmetric key cryptography is when both transmit and receive using the same key. Symmetric key cryptography is when both transmit and receive using different keys.

WhatsApp, which offers end-to-end encryption, is one of the most popular examples of public-key cryptography. There is a symmetric key cryptography as well as public-key cryptography involved in this process. 

The private key is only available to the intended individual. A public key is registered with the server upon installing WhatsApp on the devices, and a private key is used for securing communication between the devices.

It is becoming increasingly important to have end-to-end secure payments with the increasing use of UPI, digital Bitcoin wallet, Internet banking, etc. To prevent malware and hackers from attacking these transactions, banks and payment gateways use cryptography.


In the past few years, cryptography has evolved into a more secure technology, which makes it more resistant to attacks, cybercrime, and threats.

Cryptographic algorithms encode digital transactions using lock-and-key mechanisms using symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. Recent advances in quantum cryptography have increased the security of this process.

Sender sends a sequence of photons that are polarized by a polarizer or beam to form a chain of data. This sequence is then decoded by the receiver and forwarded to the sender.

A photon is considered for transmission only if it has not been intercepted. All the rest are discarded. In this way, confidential information is kept safe and protected. 

E-commerce and digitization are bringing more and more importance to the security of transactions. A cryptographic solution can prevent interceptions and potential cyber frauds.

We are now in the digital era, let see if the cryptocurrencies are really the future money. Know more about it on our next article. Goodluck!

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