Photography In Advertising: Trends And Techniques for 2023

Advertising photography is part of the general visual culture. It reflects key trends and often strongly influences what images are in demand in the mass consciousness in a particular period, and 2023 was no exception.

Advertising photography doesn’t just convey an image; it gives the viewer a sense of presence.

For example, looking at a seascape, the viewer should feel like swimming in the waves of this sea when contemplating a bottle of French perfume, feeling their smell, and at the sight of strawberries, feeling how the cheekbones ache from the sour-sweet taste and aroma of fresh berries.

A high-quality advertising photo beckons attracts, and makes you want to become the owner of a particular product.

Visual Information

A few years ago, the concept of visual information was just beginning to emerge.

This is a photograph and a full-fledged presentation of all aspects of the product and its features.

Successful and high-quality work brings super-expected results, which will be a trend not only in 2023 but also in the next few decades.

Doing this at the same time is easy. On the one hand, it is enough to take a beautiful photo for advertising.

On the other hand, this photo needs to be cropped, edited, advertising features added, shadows adjusted, etc.

But the end justifies the means. Why? Photography is not just a beautiful picture of a brand, product, or something else advertising.

This is a whole science that has its aspects and rules.

  • A single photo always looks more convincing than a few drawn objects since it represents something like “physical evidence.” The image is presented in an undistorted form but reveals the product’s best qualities.
  • Advertising photography is part of a complex of technologies that creates a single, attractive image of an object. The text of the advertising message, the slogan, the name of the product, and its image are arranged in a carefully thought-out combination, each of the components of which favorably complements and emphasizes all the others. Textual components appeal more to the conscious part of our brain, while images have a deeper impact on the subconscious.
  • The images used in advertising photography express some universal values of a certain group of consumers, and it is these values that marketers focus on.

An advertising image is an exaggerated, improved version of any object, but you get the point. Let’s get back to the trends.

Photos And Advertising Everywhere

Advertising is the main reason for creating various social media management tools that actively work on all platforms. One of the additional tools for brand development is visual presentation.

What is better – Pay for 1 advertisement that talks about your product or company for 2-3 minutes or buy 10 advertising posts with a photo that will “tell” the same thing but faster and for the same price?

Of course, everything depends on your goals and capabilities, but ignoring visual familiarity and presence in the media ecosystem in the form of photographs is not a trend in 2023.

The trend is the opposite effect, where quality and quantity are important.

New Technologies For High-Quality Photos For Everyone

What do you need for a high-quality photo now? Cool and expensive Canon or Sony camera?

On the one hand, yes, this will be a good purchase that will significantly improve the quality of photographs/photo sessions and advertising, respectively.

But on the other hand, we have cool smartphones like the iPhone 15 or the latest Samsung.

The trend, of course, is not new, but it is becoming more noticeable every year.

Smartphones have ceased to be a tool for “fast photography” on social networks and have become full-fledged participants in the photo industry.

Professional portraits, commercial photography, and video shooting on a smartphone are already a reality.

Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks

And the last trend causes a lot of controversy and discussion not only about advertising.

AI is already being actively implemented in various photo editors and can simplify photographers’ work (or even replace them) when creating photos for advertising.

The first sign that AI was already in the photography niche was the announcement of Generative Fill in the legendary Photoshop, and then various neural networks began to appear to simplify photo editing, color changes, shadows, retouching, etc.

Even in the above-mentioned smartphones, these features are built in at a minimal level, although they are not called AI but simply “revolutionary” technology.

Overall, the use of neural networks in photography will continue to increase, significantly impacting the overall style of work and the “picture” in advertising.

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