Best Mobile Apps for CBD

Best Mobile Apps for CBD

As the CBD industry grows, so do the resources that can help people learn even more about this fascinating natural remedy that’s quickly replacing many conventional medicines.

CBD is an effective alternative treatment that can help with many things, including anxiety and chronic pain, and while there is still a limited amount of research around it right now, this is changing every day.

Not only are there hundreds of CBD companies out there to choose from, but there are also CBD mobile apps. With a CBD mobile app, you can connect to other CBD users, and share insight and information.

Best Mobile Apps for CBD

Apps like this are helpful for debunking myths around CBD, and finding out the correct information so that you can take it safely and with knowledge of what it can do. Let’s review the best mobile apps for CBD.

1. Releaf App

Releaf App

This mobile app for CBD is a cannabis treatment research and tracking app. It is patent-pending, and it allows its users to track live medical sessions. This means that it can help you identify specific symptoms that you may be experiencing, and record how your sessions with CBD went and how it helped you.

From subjective feelings to doses and symptoms levels, all of this information is then used to figure out what the CBD is helping, and what the best method of taking CBD is for you. You can even share your reports with healthcare professionals, as well as CBD facilities, to figure out what the best treatment option is moving forward.

2. Massroots

Massroots is an app that is filled to the brim with helpful information on everything to do with CBD. From figuring out just how many CBD strains there are out there and what they can be used for, to pinning down whether CBD is compatible with your life insurance policy, there are many things that Massroots can be used for.

It is primarily designed to connect its users both with additional information, and other CBD users. Their information is in the form of photos, videos, and articles, so that you can stay well informed about CBD, and what’s happening right now in the industry.

3. Accugentix


The next app on our list is a medical device startup that has a particular focus on personalized natural medicine. This is the kind of app that wants to figure out a dosing system for tinctures and oils. They know that figuring out the right dose for your needs is often difficult, and they want this to be a lot easier for everyone.

They want to make the entire process of figuring out the right dose for your both easy and safe so that you don’t get it wrong and take too much or too little. With Accugentix, you can enter a few bits of information from the product bottle, pick a dose, and then the app can help you figure out the correct amount of drops per ml.

4. New World Health Brands

New World Health Brands

New World Health Brands is an app that focuses on just how unregulated the CBD industry is. They know that there are plenty of excellent companies out there for you to purchase your CBD products from – but there are also companies that you should avoid, too.

NWHB wants to be able to provide valuable information about all different types of companies out there so that you can make an informed decision around where you choose to spend your money.

If you want to learn more about CBD products in general, including learning about the integrity and quality of how the average CBD product is made, we recommend checking out this mobile CBD app.

5. Health Hemp App

Health Hemp App

Last, but not least, is Healthy Hemp App. These guys are affiliated with Charlotte’s Web, and their overall goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle through information and product distribution. They offer a wide range of CBD products to choose from, that is, of course, made from some of the highest quality hemp you can source.

They want to educate their customers on the CBD industry, CBD products, and what it takes to create a high-quality product that you can trust to do the job.

If you’re relatively new to the industry as a whole and feel like you need to learn a lot more about it before you dive into purchasing some product, you may want to check out Health Hemp App for all the information you need.

Final Thoughts

The CBD industry is huge – and it’s getting bigger every day. If you’re pretty new to the whole concept of CBD, and you’re not sure where to start, an app could be ideal. As you can see, there are quite a few mobile CBD apps out there that want to keep their users informed and well-researched on the industry as a whole.

The industry itself is largely unregulated, and there are many CBD companies out there that we think should be avoided completely. Apps like these are one of your best chances of staying on the right path, and getting connected to a CBD product that’s going to benefit your health, not take away from it.

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