9 Best Organic Instagram Growth Tools in 2024 [Authentic Followers]

Best Instagram Tools

Instagram is one of the most powerful social media platforms out there, with an estimated user base of 1.3 billion people every month.

There has never been a time in modern human history when we have been able to connect with so many people so easily and from a business prospective, this is a dream come true.

What makes Instagram so important for brands and influencers is the ability to access your market niche with very little effort.

Previously, marketing has always focused on the mass market approach (think Billboards) but now thanks to platforms like Instagram, there is now no need to cast your net as wide as you have unfettered access to the people want you want to promote yourself to.

But if you are just starting out on Instagram or your previous growth strategy hasn’t yielded the results you expected, you may be left wondering how other people are having success on the platform.

Best Organic Instagram Growth Tools

The answer to that is the deployment of organic Instagram growth tools.

There are a variety of Instagram growth tools that are available to you, a quick google will throw up a plethora that may or may not work.

Before you part with your money, we’ve collated a list of the best organic Instagram growth tools available to you on the market.

These tools will help you get organic Instagram growth, increase your reach and solidify your authority on the platform, which can help you increase leads which translate into sales.

1. Nitreo – The Ultimate Social Growth Tool

Nitreo Review & 20% Coupon Code

Nitreo are the embodiment of an organic growth strategy done correctly. They have been developing their AI technology for a long time and have created a successful organic Instagram growth tool that allows their users to set and forget.

If you are spending time growing other social media platforms and don’t have the time to manually organically grow your account, then Nitreo is an excellent option for you.

Nitreo have stuck to tried and tested multi-faceted growth strategy. When you sign up with them, you’ll be asked what type of user you want to attract to your content.

You will then build your consumer profile by selecting the most salient data points based on your demographics.

Before you set up Nitreo, it will be worth considering who your target market is and where they are.

Nitreo is very big on location-based action, so make sure you have considered where they reside.

Once you have selected these points, Nitreo will get to work on your behalf and engage with other users for you.

It is this selective engagement that increases the visibility of your feed to people that will want to see your content who will follow you in return for your engagement.

Nitreo offers a secure growth tool that won’t put your account at risk, as long as you remain under the daily action limit.

They have invested a lot in their technology, so you can be sure that their engagement mimics human behaviour.

With an organic Instagram growth strategy, you won’t see instant results, but don’t let that deter you.

The organic Instagram growth strategy will compound over time, yielding results that are far more beneficial than buying fake follower accounts.

Once the strategy takes hold, you’ll be left with followers that want to see your content and engage with you, but it does take time.

2. Inflact

Inflact Review & Discount Coupon

Inflact offer their customers an organic Instagram growth tool that they can fully configure themselves, so if you want more control of your growth strategy, they can offer an excellent package.

If you have never configured an Instagram growth tool, Inflact is a good place to start.

Firstly, you can access their platform from any device, you don’t need to download anything as it is all web based.

Secondly, you have a huge amount of control when it comes to actually configuring the tool.

Cheaper tools will often only allow you build a strategy off one key data point, usually hashtags.

This is in contrast to Inflact who allow you to build a cohesive strategy based off a very of salient data points, such as language, location and gender.

You can really narrow down your target audience to make sure that you get the best result possible.

Before you configure Inflact, it’ll be worth understanding who your target market is, especially if you are a new brand or influencer.

By understanding this, you can factor your results into the demographic aspect of your strategy.

It may seem counter intuitive to have a very niche market segment, but you are more likely to convert niche marketing into tangible leads and sales.

Inflact offers users an all in one automation tool that they can use for a variety of actions. Their Instagram tool isn’t simply limited to follow/unfollow.

It can like, comment and direct message users based off the data points you have set. Inflact also offers users the ability to schedule posts.

If your main target audience operates in a different time zone, you can schedule posts to make sure that your audience gets your latest content at a consistent time.

3. Seek Socially

Seek Socially Instagram Followers

When it comes to getting noticed on Instagram, one of the best ways to do it is by viewing stories.

When 500 million people use stories on a daily basis, this is an area that Seek Socially can help you leverage.

Their cutting-edge system gets your business and brand out there by engaging with stories, in return, people will see you engaging with their content and return the favour.

What makes Seek Socially so successful is the frequency in which they engage with other accounts on your behalf.

Seek Socially can view up to 400,000 stories per day on your behalf, far more than any human being, even if they are surgically attached to their phone.

The targeting system used by Seek Socially makes sure you are reaching the audiences that you need to.

Unlike other lower grade growth services that utilise a one-pronged strategy such as following popular hashtags, Seek Socially allows you to build an audience profile.

You can select from a variety of options to make sure you are really working with your target market, from age, location, interests and other salient points.

It is this targeting that makes the impact on your growth, as you are attracting an audience that wants to see your content.

Seek Socially offers its customers a safe and secure Instagram growth service.

As their technology mimics human behaviour, there is little to no risk to your account as long as you remain within the daily action limits.

They have moved away from the pathway dependency of other growth services who rely on the follow/unfollow method and have forged their own path which yields fantastic results for those that use their tool.

Whilst it won’t give you the level of results you get when you buy followers, you can be sure that the results will compound over time and you’ll be left with a follower list that not only are invested in your content, but are real and active.

4. Social Clout Club

Social Clout Club Review – Safe and Working?

Social Clout Club take a very different approach to Instagram marketing and brand building. One of the most important factors of Instagram is building authority with your audience that then leads to building social proof.

Social proof is where your audience want to emulate what you do, as they trust your actions. Social proof takes a long time to build but once you have it, the growth you can expect on your account.

Social Clout Club utilise the loop method for organic growth on Instagram, which isn’t a strategy that is normally deployed by growth services.

What Social Clout Club do is utilise loops from their network that get your content out there.

A loop is where an influencer or celebrity post about a giveaway on their profile, the audience will need to follow your page to enter the giveaway and prove that they have.

Utilising this method of organic Instagram growth gives you a larger reach and wider engagement prospects.

Whilst it is quite an innovative way of generating a wider audience, there are limits as to how well this can work.

You may find that after an initial boost in followers, they will steadily unfollow you once the competition results have been released.

Unlike other growth platforms, you aren’t building an organic following, rather people will follow you.

If you are looking for a quick boost when it comes to growth, then social clout club can provide you with this, but you will need another strategy running side by side to maintain it.

5. IconoSquare   


There is an old saying that if you can measure it, you can manage it and iconosquare have developed an organic Instagram growth service with exactly this in mind.

What we really like about this service is the level of detail they go into with the analytics of your growth.

The creator analytics from Instagram can be vague and not give you the full picture of how you are performing, with Iconosquare you can really get a good grip on the data that underpins your growth.

By taking a data driven approach, there is no need to be making shots in the dark at which time is best to post for engagement per day, iconosquare lay it all out for you, so you can be sure you are getting the most out of the platform.

Some users may be deterred due to the level of analysis that is available on the platform, but don’t be.

It is all very easy to read and digest and you can also handpick which statistics and data you want to see.

The industry insights also allow you to bench mark your performance against competitors.

This bench marking allows you to see where you measure up against them and how you can improve on your performance.

Furthermore, iconosquare also have an excellent post schedular, so if you find that your best time for posting is in the dead of night, you no longer have to get up and remember to upload your content.

6. Unfold


Stories are becoming a bigger and bigger part of Instagram and with TikTok looking to take away their converted space as one of the most popular apps, you can be sure to see more effort being put into stories.

One thing about stories is that you often can’t be as creative as you can be with your posts and if you are going for a certain aesthetic, you may feel like you can’t fully express yourself.

Unfold have been around for a while and they offer beautiful templates so you can make well curated stories that match your overall aesthetic and feel of the rest of your content.

Having well curated stories really can increase your organic Instagram growth as people will be more drawn to them than unedited and adjusted images.

Unfold is easy to use and easy to install on your phone, if you are into photo editing and having a continuing theme with your content and stories, then it can provide you with an excellent tool to excel in this area.

Users will look forward to seeing your stories and how well they are put together.

7. Buffer Publish

Buffer Publish

Sometimes, just being organised is enough to increase traffic to your feed and this is where Buffer publish come in. One of the key things about Instagram is being consistent.

You want to make sure that you are posting on a regular basis so that your audience get used to and look forward to seeing your content, but if your key engagement time is when you are otherwise engaged, you may not be able to post all of the time.

Buffer publish offer their customers a simple solution that allows them to schedule their posting to their feed so they can remain consistent.

Their system is very simple and easy to use, simply bulk upload your content, input the hashtags you want to use and then set times and dates for your content to be posted.

It does help if you have a few back up images sorted and ready to go in case you aren’t able to get to your Instagram account, which on some vacations can happen, especially if there is no WiFi.

You can pre upload more images depending on the plan you purchase, and buffer will also give you good analytics as to how your content is performing.

Just establishing a core time that you post can be enough to keep your content out there and in the minds of your audience.

8. Ninja Outreach

Ninja Outreach

If you are a business or brand who doesn’t have many connections to already established influencers, Ninja outreach can help.

Influencer marketing is an excellent way to get your product or services in the eyes of other users and if you collaborate with a well-established influencer, you can see your growth skyrocket.

Ninja outreach doesn’t just pull every influencer out of Instagram for you to contact, it makes sure you can see which influencers use tools to grow, or which ones have established audiences that engage.

It is engagement that is key when it comes to influencer marketing, it is easy to buy followers and likes, but engagement is the metric that is most important.

Ninja outreach enables you to work out which influencers will benefit your Instagram and not damage your follower to engagement ratio.

The service is easy to use and understand, with only pertinent statistics and analysis being shown to you.

9. Social Proof

Social Proof

Social proof is every brands and businesses dream, especially on a platform such as Instagram. Social proof is in essence conformity and people enjoy conforming.

If you start building an audience on Instagram, you may find that you a hit a tipping point, if the tipping point goes the correct way, people will want to follow your account due to the fact that others do, especially if you have well known influencers either following you or being involved in your content.

Once you build social proof, you will need to maintain it to ensure people remain invested in you and your brand and this is done through maintaining consistency with your messaging and content.

Why Does Follower Number Matter?

In its most basic and ugly form, the more followers you have, the better you look.

There is no point in lying about this, as Instagram is fundamentally a popularity contest and if you are thinking of using the platform, this is the truth that you will have to get used to, whether you like it or not.

There is, however, another side to this, which can help you tap into the social consciousness of the app.

The more followers you have, the more authority you can build on the app, it is this authority that can lead to an increase in business activity, be it sales or leads.

Final Thoughts on Instagram Tools

There is an array of organic Instagram growth tools that are available to you when you are trying to grow your Instagram.

Whether you are an established brand or an up and coming influencer, you will want to utilise the best organic Instagram growth tools available to increase your following further.

It doesn’t matter if you want a tool that you run yourself, a fully managed organic Instagram growth service or an outreach mechanism, there is a tool to suit your needs.

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