Trending Hashtags.
Now there’s a phrase that would have made no sense to almost anyone just a decade ago.
There are two different types of people on Instagram – those that know everything there is to know about using hashtags, and those that don’t. It’s a bit of an art form at this point because there’s definitely a technical side to it.
You may still think that hashtags are just there, making your account look spammier than it is, yet this couldn’t be further from the truth.
In fact, hashtags are the reasons that people do so well on the gram. When you figure out how to find the right hashtags for your industry and niche, the difference will be significant. You’ve got to start somewhere, though, and we think this article is a pretty good place.
Let’s check out how to find trending hashtags on Instagram.
What Are Trending Instagram Hashtags?
Trending hashtags for Instagram are hashtags that have gone viral, or are currently associated with a challenge or content that is popular right now on Instagram. It means that a lot of people are currently using it to try and get their content noticed.
Why You Need Them
Before we get stuck into talking about why you need trending hashtags to uplift your account, let’s talk about why you need them at all.
There are a lot of experts out there that will agree that using hashtags and the right ones on your content is going to be your best chance of success out there. Would it help if we told you that using the right hashtags is going to significantly increase your chances of being featured on the explore page, too?
In saying this, though, we aren’t guaranteeing your fame and success just by simply holding on to the first hashtag that you find. In fact, it’s essential to make sure that you have a good balance between relevant hashtags for your account and those that are popular and trending.
In fact, we’re here to tell you that you don’t actually need the most popular hashtags all the time to do well on the gram. Your best bet is to figure out a hashtag strategy that’s going to gel perfectly with your industry and niche. Let’s dive in.
1. Check Out Your Community’s Hashtags
It’s kind of like doing market research when you first start a business – you need to know the kind of hashtags that are being used by your community in order to figure out the right hashtags for your profile.
Of course, you’re using hashtags to make a deeper connection with the people you consider your community, so aligning your content with what they’re using is going to help you in a big way.
With this in mind, why not consider checking out some of the content that your audience has put up lately. Most people will put hashtags on their content, and you never know what you’ll find.
On the flip side of this, we also think it’s worth checking out what the competition is doing, too. After all, they’re your competition because they have an incredibly similar growth goal in mind. For this reason, they could have the perfect list of hashtags that are going to make a positive difference to your page, too.
Lastly, another great place to find your hashtags is with influencers. Influencers, of course, know how to create the ultimate hashtag strategy, so it’s worth taking a page out of their book if you want to do well.
2. Look Up the Best Performing Posts
Another way to figure out the best hashtags for your Instagram strategy is to look up the hashtags that are being associated with really popular posts.
As you may have guessed, these posts have a really good chance of featuring on the Explore Page, which means that if you use them, there’s a chance for you to get featured, too.
Remember, though, that when you’re looking at popular hashtags, you need to make sure they’re relevant to your content. Otherwise, the chances of you getting featured on the Explore Page will go down.
3. Find Relevant Hashtags
This is one of the most practical and effective ways you can approach your hashtag strategy because it works. One of the best parts of this approach is that you don’t have to work too hard to see real results.
All you have to do is search up hashtags and see what comes up in the suggestion box. When you see the hashtags come up, you can see how many posts they already have attached to them.
Obviously, the more posts they have, the more trending and popular they are.
4. Try Using a Hashtag Tool
Ever thought of getting a bit of outside help with your hashtag strategy? You may be feeling pretty overwhelmed at the thought of doing it all by yourself, especially if you don’t feel like you have the time to keep it consistent.
This is where a hashtag tool comes in.
Hashtag tools like Task Ant are a great way to get inside knowledge on data and analytics around your favorite hashtags, without having to spend too much. You can think of this as your hashtag cheat sheet, because it’s going to save you time, and give you a significant advantage out there.
5. Cross-Platform Hashtags
While we all know that Instagram is the hub of hashtags, what you may not know is that they’ve spread in popularity across most, if not all, social media platforms these days as well. This means that Instagram isn’t the only place to find your favorite hashtags.
If you’re trying to find the perfect set of trending hashtags for your page, why not consider looking on other social media channels which may have alternative options you hadn’t thought of.
6. Stay Ahead of the Trends
Instead of putting so much time and effort into finding the best trending hashtags in your niche and industry right now, why not start from scratch and create your very own hashtag to go with your profile, that you can help gain traction? While this is one of the toughest strategies on our list of suggestions, if it does well, it can also be one of the most rewarding, too.
You may have noticed that a lot of big brands out there have their own set of hashtags to use that are relevant to their company and their company alone. If you’re looking to make your brand really big, consider this strategy and create your own trending hashtag.
Final Thoughts
You’re not going to find the entire process of finding the most relevant, trending hashtags for your niche straightforward, but it is going to be rewarding. If you are serious about doing well on Instagram, we think it’s important to have a solid hashtag game.
Check out Task Ant for a bit of extra help, and don’t forget to consider creating your very own trending hashtag.