When businesses create email marketing campaigns they tend to spend a lot of time coming up with copy that will grab the interest of potential clients.
Equally importantly, however, is the question of whether the copy is visually compelling. This post will look at the aesthetics of email marketing.
Coming up with a visually compelling email for marketing isn’t just about knowing what looks nice. It’s also about knowing a little bit about some technical details and about how your email is likely to be displayed when clients view it.
Below, I’ve presented five simple tips to help businesses create visually pleasing marketing emails.
Tip 1. Choose a suitable alt text for images
By default, many email clients do not display images in emails. Instead, the recipient has to click a button to allow the images to be displayed.
Many of those who receive your marketing email will not bother to do so. This means that instead of an image, many people will just see a box containing the alt text for that image.
Make sure this alt text is descriptive and that it communicates the same message that was contained in the image.
Tip 2. Avoid annoying writing
Hopefully, in the modern world of email marketing, people already know this but in your emails, you should avoid using writing in all caps or constantly using bold font.
It’s harder to read writing written this way and so readers will be discouraged from considering the message you’re trying to convey. It will not be superfluous to consult with specialists in content writing, such as freshessays.com.
Tip 3. Send in multipart format
If you’re sending an email in HTML format make sure to send a text version as well by sending it in multipart format.
This means that anyone viewing the image in plain text won’t have to put up with HTML tags making the email hard to read.
Tip 4. Think about colors and fonts
It’s easy to not think about fonts when you write your emails but a good font can really change the feel of your email.
Spend some time thinking about the fonts and colors you use in your email (and make sure the ones you choose to fit in with your branding).
Tip 5. Test your email on different email clients and hardware
Your email will end up looking different in different email clients and will look even more dramatically different when you compare how it looks on different hardware.
For example, it can be a challenge to develop an email that looks good on a computer and on a mobile phone. Testing will make this process easier.
Tip 6 Create a Header
When was the last time you started reading something without a title? You just went straight for the body of the text, and you didn’t even think to look at the title. We are willing to bet never.
This is because the header is an extremely important part of any kind of text, whether it is email marketing or a blog. Just think of opening up a newspaper, what is the first thing that you look at? The header stands out and will be at the top of your email newsletter.
Typically speaking, that header is going to include your company name, your logo, and the title of your newsletter.
Immediately, this gives your readers a good idea of what they are going to be reading about, so they can make a decision as to whether to carry on reading.
Tip 7 Keep Your Color Scheme in Line with Your Logo
If you want your email marketing to be visually appealing, then you’ve got to think about the color scheme.
Think about when you go on social media sites like Instagram or Facebook.
Especially with Instagram, which is a visually centered platform, are you more drawn to profiles that have chosen a color scheme, or those that are all over the place? We are willing to bet that it is those that have chosen a color scheme.
The more work you put into this aspect of your email newsletter, the more aesthetically appealing it is going to be, and the more likely people are going to want to read it all the way through.
Another thing to think about with the color scheme is to make sure that it lines up with your logo. Otherwise, your logo is going to look out of place, and irrelevant.
What techniques do you use to create visually compelling marketing emails?