How to Create a High Converting Instagram Bio

How to Create a High Converting Instagram Bio

So, what’s the first thing people see when they click through to your Instagram page?

A: Your bio.

This is somebody’s first impression of you, so you’re going to want to make it count.

There are four main components of your bio that make up the whole. Let’s take a look at each of these individually and how to use them to reach a high conversion rate for your business.

Your Name

Your name is the very first thing your visitors are going to see before anything else. If this is a personal Instagram account, then it is common sense to put your name here.

But if you’re running this page as an Instagram business page, you’ll want to think about how to use this part of the bio to your advantage. You could use keywords that relate directly to your brand here – catchy words that people can readily associate with your business.

The reason for this is that people stumbling across your page are not searching for it because of your brand name or business.

They are looking up keywords & hashtags that are relevant to what they’re looking for, so if you can sync up your business with those, then people are naturally going to stumble across your profile.

Your Bio

This is where you grab people’s attention and reel them in.

People have a short attention span online these days, so you’re going to want to make it appealing from the get-go.

Less is usually more when it comes to your description – try something snappy and eye-catching that’s going to make people think.

You should also try to stick to one theme too, keeping it simple and digestible for your audience.

If you think it’s appropriate, feel free also to incorporate some emoji’s. Too many can be risky, so know your limit and remember that you’ve only got a limited amount of characters, so keeping emoji’s to a minimum is recommended.

Your Avatar

Your avatar is also one of the first things people see, equal to your name. It comes up in search results along with your name, so you’re going to want to make sure that both are portraying the look that you’re going for.

Keep the image well-lit and professional looking if it’s a photo.

Alternatively, you can take this opportunity to get your branding out there and have a picture of your logo as your avatar.

You can even use an image of your biggest selling product. If it’s a personal business brand, it’s recommended that you use a professional photo of yourself – you want to come across as relatable and worth getting to know.

Remember, if you’re the face of your company, this is the most valuable asset of your branding. Make sure that you are communicating the right things through your avatar.

Link in Bio

In the name of high conversion rates – the link in your bio is the most essential part of your entire profile.

You only get one, which means one chance to impress your audience and convince them to click through to your business website. No pressure.

Instagram even has algorithms now that help you see how well the link in your bio is doing. That helps you to play around with it a bit and try links with different call-to-actions to see which is going to be the best fit in your bio.

Try to avoid long links as this won’t make your account come across as very professional. Keep it short and concise – you only need to be communicating what it is you want visitors to do.

To add value to your link, think about where it is you want them to go. Instead of taking them straight to your homepage, think of where you can take them that’s going to peak their interest the most. You can also use a tool to for the link in your bio.

People like free stuff, so maybe you can switch things up for a bit and have the landing page include a freebie for a limited time.

Small freebies that don’t cost you too much can also be a great commodity to trade in exchange for their email address. What’s important is that your landing page and link give value to your customer, and make them feel like their time was well spent clicking through.

Closing Thoughts

Instagram is a funny platform.

In 2017 we had the infamous closure of Instagress, and now in 2018 we have many other websites available, that have popped up all over the place.

Yes that type of software works, but there’s more to marketing your brand and getting famous on Instagram than simply using an IG bot.

If you want to succeed then you’re going to need to be smart with your profile.

Get your bio right, and you will have people clicking through around the clock.

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