Telegram was created as a messenger for communication. Gradually, the developers expanded its functionality.
At the beginning of 2023, the total number of users was 800 million. It would be surprising not to use the capabilities of this application to earn money.
In this article, we will discuss how to make money on Telegram and consider the most effective ways available to anyone wanting additional income.
We are going to look at the pros and cons, as well as the essential features of different earning methods. Let’s get started!
Placement of Advertising Content
This method is excellent for channel owners. If you still haven’t a channel, we advise creating one and making money on Telegram.
Choose a topic that may interest a solvent audience, draw up a content plan, and invest a small amount in promotion.
Having a live audience interested in your content, you can promote other projects for money.
The amount of earnings depends on several parameters, for example, the topic, the number of followers, and their activity.
- Stable earnings growth along with the development of the channel.
- Many potential advertisers.
- Simple and effective communication with subscribers.
- You have to spend time and money promoting your channel.
Where to look for advertisers? This is the most important question if we are talking about making money from paid publications.
You can establish communication directly with marketers or business owners, collaborate with administrators of other channels, and add your channel to directories.
We consider the easiest way to find advertisers to use specialized platforms, for example, Collaborator.
We will tell you why you should use Collaborator to attract potential advertisers.
By the way, many owners of even well-promoted channels don’t know about this platform and still spend a lot of time establishing connections with potential clients. Collaborator makes your life easier.
- The service is looking for advertisers for you.
- High prices for publishing publications.
- Channels of various topics are approved (except prohibited by law).
- Adding a channel to the catalog in just four steps.
- Additional content for your channel.
Add your channel to the directory, and the platform will do the rest. Channels must meet only two requirements: a minimum number of followers of 500 and the absence of prohibited content.
Earning Money On Goods And Services
We recommend this method for business owners. Let’s say you sell electronics and have offline stores and a website.
Use Telegram to expand your target audience. Bring your actual and potential customers to your channel. Publish exciting and valuable content for them.
- Improving the company’s image.
- Expansion of the target audience.
- Simple channel administration.
- Additional traffic to the site (if you have one).
- You must constantly invest money in the development of the channel.
It is optional to spend a lot of time maintaining a channel. For example, you can duplicate posts from Instagram, videos from TikTok or YouTube, or post product cards from the site.
Creating Listings
If you actively use Telegram, you’ve probably seen posts like “5 best restaurants in Chicago”, “6 must-see places in New York”, “5 most popular hotels in London, and so on”.
You can create such collections on any topic, depending on the characteristics of your channel.
- Good audience engagement.
- Earnings are higher than on one advertising post.
- You can only post collections sometimes.
In one post, you combine advertising from 5-6 (we do not recommend more) advertisers. The cost of advertising for your clients is lower, but you get more.
Affiliate Marketing
What is the essence of this method? You register in the affiliate program and place some links on your channel.
You earn a commission if your follower clicks on this link and takes the desired action.
- Minimum actions on your part.
- It doesn’t require investment.
- Large selection of partners.
- Audience interest.
- Low commissions.
- You have to spend a lot of time searching for partners.
Let’s look at this with an example. Imagine that you are the owner of a travel channel. You place an advertisement for a bot of some hotel.
Every time users from your channel go to the bot using an affiliate link and make a reservation, you receive money.
Source: https://partnerkin.com/en/blog/articles/affiliate_marketing_telegram
Bot Development
Bots are becoming increasingly popular as their capabilities are constantly expanding.
These automated programs help promote channels, collect statistical data, send out advertisements, etc. You can make great money from it if you know how to develop bots.
- It does not require investment.
- High demand for such services.
- Good income.
- You must have programming skills.
Creating custom bots is one of many options for making money. You can develop your bot to promote your project.
For example, if you are a nutritionist creating nutrition programs, do a quiz to collect primary client data.
If you are an English tutor, you can create a bot to determine the level of potential students.
A good bot must meet the following requirements:
- User-friendly interface.
- Quick response to user requests.
- Providing users with valuable information or assistance.
- Thoughtful sequence of messages.
- Ability to demonstrate a sense of humor and understand user requests.
Bots save marketers time. Automated programs can search for information, process orders, integrate with other services, and provide customer support.
Channels Creation
If you created and promoted your channel, why don’t you do it again, but this time for money?
You must understand that almost all companies today want to use Telegram, but not all have specialists on staff who could run the channel.
Specific skills and knowledge are required for this. Many businesses are looking for experts who develop channels from scratch.
- High cost of channels.
- There are many projects of this type.
- Easy search for orders.
- Not suitable for beginners.
The services include developing a channel concept, creating a promotion and monetization strategy, preparing content plan materials for posts, solving technical issues, etc.
We are now talking not about administration but about creation. That is, you took a project, completed it, gave it to the customer, and are looking for a new project.
The more cases you have in your portfolio, the more clients will come to you, and the higher your earnings on Telegram will be.
Channel Administration
This method is related to the previous one. The channel administrator continues the work of the creator.
You can have several channels for administration using Telegram as the main or additional source of income.
- Earning money without your channel.
- Ability to manage several projects simultaneously.
- Dependence on the employer.
Many tools help the channel administrator create content, attract subscribers, and schedule publications.
Final Thoughts
We have listed only a few ways to make money on Telegram. There are many other ways to earn extra income from this platform, even without your own channel.
For example, you can write texts, shoot videos, develop stickers, and complete bot tasks. But still, your channel will help you earn more. A few more final points.
- Create channels with topics that are interesting to you. If you are an expert, you will be able to provide helpful information in your field.
- Be prepared for blocking, and do not rely on Telegram as the only way to earn money. Always have alternatives.
- Don’t use cheating to get followers. There are many ways to spot this trick. Why ruin your reputation?
- Attracting real followers can take a lot of time and money, but it’s worth it.
How much can you earn on Telegram? It depends on you, your skills, and your desire. There are no restrictions. Some people make several hundred dollars a month.
Experts who have multiple channels earn thousands of dollars with little effort. There are also those specialists who managed to turn Telegram into passive income. So everything is in your hands. Good luck!