How to Promote Your CBD Oil Products on Instagram

How to Promote Your CBD Oil Products on Instagram

There are many social media marketing platforms out there that, over the past couple of years, have done everything they can to stop people marketing CBD on their channels.

This is mainly because there are many different regulations and restrictions around the legality of CBD. These change depending on what state you’re in, so it’s difficult for CBD companies to market themselves online.

However, Facebook recently came out and said that they would be loosening their hold on the tight restrictions they have around marketing CBD, and while this means some ads are allowed, there are still things that aren’t allowed.

So, while this makes it a little easier on you when it comes to marketing your CBD products online, it is going to take a bit of know-how and creativity on your end to bypass current limitations.

How to Promote Your CBD Oil Products on Instagram

Let’s take a look at some helpful, practical tips on promoting your CBD product on Instagram.

1. Just Post

Instagram CBD Posts

Currently, you’re not allowed to pay for Instagram ads that promote CBD products, which means that you’re limited to just posting about it. Even within your posts, you have to be really careful what you say, as Instagram can potentially shadowban you if you violate any terms and conditions.

However, if you know the right thing to say and are careful about it, your Instagram marketing can go a long way. It’s important to only post neutral information about CBD, for example, and to encourage potential customers to do more of their own research if they need to. This type of gentle promotion may not seem like much, but it will go a long way in helping potential customers associate CBD products with your brand.

2. Make the Most of Influencer Marketing

These days, with the rise of marketing on social media, influencer marketing is one of the best ways to get your message and product in front of the right audience. This is because your promotion will come from a trusted source, making those potential customers much more likely to check out your range and even buy your product.

If you choose to partner with a CBD influencer who has an excellent reputation, your marketing will go a long way. Again, though, it’s essential to find someone who truly believes in CBD, and knows quite a bit about it already, too.

You need to make sure you do your research so that you can find an influencer who is genuinely passionate about your product.

3. Content Syndication

This is when you make the most of other platforms out there, by bringing them to your Instagram. While it’s vital that you are still careful about what you post, Instagram doesn’t see anything wrong with posting helpful content about CBD.

This means that you can take snippets from your blog, or even from a third-party source that already has a good reputation. This type of marketing is going to instantly give your brand a stamp of credibility so that potential customers can see that you’re a trusted source for their CBD products.

Make sure to include a link to your blog in your bio, so that your audience knows where to go if they want to find out more.

4. Engage Your Followers

Remember, the stronger a connection you have with your followers on the gram, the easier it’s going to be to win them over and turn them into paying customers. The more useful you make your feed, the more inclined they’re going to be to try your product.

This is why you’ve got to be consistent about posting informative content related to CBD.

The best part is that while the CBD industry is currently huge, it’s still young. This means that you’ve still got time to establish your brand as a leading option on the market.

The more content you post about CBD that is going to benefit your audience, the more they’re going to start trusting you as their go-to for all things to do with CBD.

5. Make the Most of Hashtags

Instagram Hashtags

Your Instagram page for your CBD brand is nothing without relevant, specific hashtags. You’d be surprised how far hashtags can take you when you use them correctly. They can be the difference between the right people finding your page and your content being put in front of people who aren’t even interested.

We recommend choosing a combination of popular and branded hashtags for your content. Popular hashtags have a lot of content associated with them, so they’re going to be big.

However, they aren’t going to do so well if they’re too big. Try to find the right balance – and come up with a few of your own, too, that your audience can associate directly with your brand.

Check out Hashtags for Likes if you need to for even more inspirational hashtag ideas.

6. Get Your Audience to Promote Your Brand

So, you can’t directly advertise your CBD products – but this doesn’t mean that your audience can’t on your behalf. Whenever you post content to your Instagram, encourage your audience to share it with others.

This is not only a great way to bring more awareness to your brand, but it also encourages a larger, more loyal community, full of people who genuinely want to share your content because they believe in your brand.

Just make sure that the content you’re encouraging them to share isn’t inappropriate – you don’t want to get suspended or banned by the gram. It needs to relate directly to your brand so that when people see your posts, they will be inspired to share them with others.

Final Thoughts

Marketing your CBD brand on Instagram is pretty difficult – but it’s not impossible. With a little bit of know-how, hard work, and creativity, you’ve got every opportunity to expand your brand’s reach and find the people out there that are looking for a company like yours.

Marketing on social media platforms like Instagram is definitely the way of the future, so the more you make the most of this opportunity, the better you will do.

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