You have discovered what you think is the best product idea anyone has seen in decades, and you can’t wait to get it out there in front of people who are just going to fall over to get it.
However good your product is, though, it’s not going to be very good if nobody knows about it.
If you can’t drum up enough and trust and attention around it, then you can add your startup to the list of businesses that fail within the first five years. Want to know what’s really going to get your product off the ground and get people excited about it? Having a lot of leads.
Even if you have an average product, if you are using your business marketing strategy to generate more leads, then you are going to do really well.
Why? Because leads mean revenue, and revenue means profit. In this article, we’re going to talk about smart, effective ways that you can generate more leads for your business so that you can sustain it for a long time and not throw it in the trash before it’s even been given a chance.
Ways to Generate More Leads for Your Business
Optimize Your Website for Lead Conversion
However you want to go about generating more leads for your business, you have to start with your website. There’s absolutely no point in trying to attract more traffic to your website if the traffic gets to your website and decides to leave straight away.
This is why your website needs to be optimized to convince people to take action, whatever this looks like. When it comes to generating leads for your business, the most common approach is trying to get prospective clients’ contact information, including a phone number or an email address. Vital information like this is going to help you sell more of your product.
While setting up a website is going to help when it comes to promoting a business online, it doesn’t automatically guarantee that you will start to increase your lead count. There are certain things that you need to do with your website to make sure that you can optimize how many leads you’re getting every day.
You need to find a website developer who can optimize your website with a proven success formula so that one of the first things a visitor does when they check out your website is enter their email address or phone number.
Host a Giveaway
A contest or a giveaway is a great way to generate a lot of social media leads in a very short space of time. All you have to do is to offer a prize, and all participants have to do is to refer their friends and share your content on their social media networks.
The good news is, there are no rules around hosting a giveaway or contest, which means that you can get creative when it comes to figuring out how you’re going to generate leads from it. From asking participants to tag their friends to sharing the contest on their Facebook and Instagram profiles, this is a great way to drum up interest in your brand and get more leads.
Engage with Leads Directly
One of your highest priorities needs to be engaging with customers directly. While there are a lot of businesses out there that choose to opt for indirect engagement, like FAQs, this is far from the most effective way to communicate with your leads.
Direct engagement involves things like help centers, forums, and live chat options. This is where your customer support team is available whenever prospective clients need them so that they can see how committed you are to the cause. Customers and prospective clients that are more engaged are more likely to spread the word about your business.
Use Inbound and Outbound Marketing
According to studies out there, outbound marketing is still a more effective way of getting around across than inbound marketing. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to forget about inbound marketing altogether. Consider using both methods to balance each other out so that you can get the right leads for your business.
When it comes to inbound marketing, make sure that you personalize your emails and say active in online communities by regularly sharing helpful and informative content, which will include being able to help solve customers’ issues. This is going to help you establish long-term, trustworthy relationships with your clients so that you can build more leads.
Use New Technology
When it comes to generating more leads, new technology is going to set the pace. Of course, we all have a smartphone at this point, and some of us have a tablet or a desktop computer as well. This indicates that you should make your marketing campaign mobile-friendly as well, as most of your leads will check out your brand and its website through their smartphone. Just make sure that you keep your finger on the pulse of developing technology so that you can use it to get more leads for your brand.
Find Leads on Social Media
another great source for finding leads a social media. Now that many social media networks like Instagram and Facebook have business analytics that you can check out when it comes to your profiles, it’s relatively easy to figure out who your target audience is and how they interact with your existing content. You can also use this type of information to find similar profiles in your network, so you can take inspiration for how they find their leads.
Optimize and Develop Informative Content
Having content on your website and social media networks is a great way to get more leads for your business. However, it needs to not only be relevant to your niche, but it has to be informative and helpful to your audience. High-quality content goes a long way in attracting the right traffic to your website and can continue to do so long past its publishing date. Try also to include infographics and images that can increase your engagement and share counts.
Use Databases
You might not be aware of this, but there are big databases out there where you can discover potential leads for your business. It has a huge list of different brands with active contact information, so it’s not going to take a lot of time for you to figure out which leads irrelevant to your nice and which aren’t.
Use Your LinkedIn
Just like other social media platforms out there, LinkedIn is a great place to get more leads for your business. It has proven to be a great way to bring in new clients for your business as well because that allows its users to publish content to an audience that is already engaged.
Automate Your Marketing
How much time do you really have on your hands to expand your business? If you don’t have as much time as you’d like, but you know that leads are really important to making a bigger profit and bringing in more revenue for your brand come up, why not trust an automation tool to get the job done?
Companies like Stellation Media and Growthoid can automate the engagement process on your social networks, which is going to go a long way in helping you expand your lead list. Companies like this can take your social media engagement to the next level so that you can sit back, relax, and focus on other aspects of your brand.
Provide a Solution on Quora
Quora is a question and answer forum that has millions of people from different industries posting up questions every day. A few provide answers to enough user’s questions, then they will start to wonder what you are all about, and they will be more likely to go and check out your website.
Comment on Blogs
Another way to get the name of your brand out there and noticed is to start commenting on other people’s blogs. Writing and leaving a comment on a blog can be a great way to be seen. Just make sure that you are generous with your comments so that people will actually think you have something to offer when they click through to your website.
Try Guest Blogging
writing a guest blog for a well-known website is a great way to generate leads for your website. However, there are a few things that you need to remember about this technique to make sure that you have the right approach.
First, you need to make sure that your articles include relevant information for your audience. You also need to make sure that you can link the audience reading your article back to the right landing page and that your post provides them unique information they can’t really get anywhere else. Additionally, you need to promote and share the post yourself to leverage your social proof, and lastly, you need to be careful about which site you choose to guest blog on. The more relevant it is to your target audience, the more helpful it will be in generating new leads for your company.
Use a Signature
if you really want to get people interested in your brand and generate new leads, you need to put your brand name wherever you can think to put it. This includes when you send out emails. Make sure that every email includes an email signature where you can give email recipients multiple ways to get in touch with you. You might also want to link to your website through your email signature. Just make sure that it is a live link, and people can actually click through.
Create an App
Depending on what industry your niche falls into, you might want to consider starting to develop an app for it. There are many people out there that spend more time on an app rather than a blog, so again depending on your industry, you might find that it’s easier to generate leads for your brand through an app.
It’s worth noting here that developing an app can become quite expensive, especially if you want to offer its features for free. However, if you have the funds and capability of doing it, the process can be well worth it.
Get Involved in Forums
Another great place online to get to know your customers better is to participate in forums. Try to be active on as many relevant forums for your industry as possible, and keep it simple as well by asking short, concise questions. You also need to ask for their feedback, as this indicates that you have a high level of credibility in your chosen niche, which is going to get them interested.
Interview Influencers
Reach out to influencers within your community, and see if they aren’t willing to be interviewed by you for your social networks and blogs. Again, make sure that you keep it short and sweet and try to find influencers who will actually use your product and enjoy it. You might want to give it away for free here, but if they have enough social proof to sway a few 100 people, then it’s completely worth it.
Share Content on YouTube
Another great platform to make the most of for lead generation is YouTube. Behind Facebook and Instagram, it is one of the most popular social media networks, which means that if you can create video content that your audience is going to resonate with, it could be a great way to bring more people to your website.
If you haven’t had a YouTube channel for too long, and you still have a relatively small audience, then it might be a bit of an uphill slog, to begin with. This is when you can use companies like Growthoid and Stellation Media to boost your account in the beginning so that you can find the best leads for your business.
Offer Free Software
If your business includes services, as well as products, then you might want to offer an easy-to-use software tool on your site for free. This can help build trust with your audience. Remember, more trust means an increased chance of getting more leads.
Include a Blog Quiz
Coming up with a quiz for your blog is a great way to get your audience engaging, and it’s also going to attract more people to your website. Additionally, it can help establish a stronger relationship with your audience and gets more leads in the long run. Keep the quiz short and fun, so it doesn’t feel like they have to do too much.
Final Thoughts
So, there you have it – some top tips for generating more leads for your business. Remember, this side of things doesn’t have to be overly complicated, and as you can see, there are many ways to make the most of being online these days to try and find your perfect community.
Explore whatever avenues you can, and make sure that you stick within your marketing budget so that you are smart with your money and your time. Good luck!